
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 18, 2010

Can't believe its Monday! I was not excited to go to work...I know how much I have to do! Clarence is still gone and Honey is still not sleeping well. I normally don't miss Clarence when he is gone. Its nice having some time on our own. BUT this time I really miss him! I think we have been spending too much time together since we have gotten married and now I can't stand to spend time away from him. ;0)

Oy, trying to get organized is tough! That was probably the toughest part of my day. Its hard when you know you have so much to do to and can't set time aside to get everything together. But I now feel prepared and ready to hit the ground running. (That doesn't mean I don't have a TON of stuff to do still)...

While cleaning out my bathroom (yes the house again) I took all the drawers out of the bathroom, emptied them and put them on the floor. Nacho is so nosey and is constantly in everything! Including drawers. He climbed into this empty drawer and just hung out there.

So I have been trying to eat healther but hate giving up all sweets. I went to the store in search of something yummie and realized that I love Skinny Cow desserts. They have these cones, that are like drumsticks, and are delish (and only 150 calories). Anyway, if your dieting and need something sweet I would suggest these desserts!

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