
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010

First day back to work after the break and it was ROUGH! I couldn't sleep last night (but did get to watch "He's Just Not That Into You" while I wasn't sleeping) and woke up at 5 am. Wish I would have made it to the gym!! Oh well, I'll have to be there bright and early tomorrow morning!

Can't wait to move back to the east side. I hate commuting more than anything else right now. I need to find something productive to do in the car. Maybe I'll subscribe to a fun podcast or something (anyone got any suggesstions??). Anyway, caught in traffic on Paseo...

My sweet Honey the Dog brought me a dead mouse as a gift. I opened the door to let Nacho and her back in and she was chewing on something. I yelled at her to drop it and she did....right on the porch. NASTY. Good thing I have a husband that can pick up nasty mice for me. =0)

Clarence and the dogs dancing to "Set it Off". This picture captured the moment perfectly! I love my little family. Can't wait to work on growing it!!

1 comment:

  1. so far, the dogs dancing with Clarence is my favorite picture :)

    PS: you are inspiring me to create a blog too! i just don't know what yet!
